Monarch Oil Nozzles Gas Burners Supplier in Mumbai | Yash Hitech System

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We are experienced distributors of Madas safety, filtration, and regulation devices for gas, biogas, air, and diesel.

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M16/RM N.A.

P.max 0.5 bar
DN 20-25-32-40-50

Normally open, manual reset solenoid valves for gas, suitable to shut-off gas and signal danger sent by gas detectors (methane, LPG, carbon monoxide and similar), safety thermostats, etc.
They can only be reset manually and only when they are not electrically powered.

They are fitted with a VPI (Visual Position Indicator) for visual indication of the valve obturator’s position. When the valve is closed, the red band, which is usually hidden by the reset knob, is visible.

In compliance with:

  • EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
  • LVD Directive  2014/35/EU
  • RoHS II Directive 2011/65/EU